Description of the grain extruder EGK-60 At present, more and more farmers are reaching a dead end. Animals no longer produce as many products as before, and new diseases only exacerbate the situation. Grain prices are growing every day, so I want to give up my life's work and look for myself in other areas. We offer new equipment that will help you stay afloat and also increase your income! Extruder EGK-60 produces air feed, which is eaten with pleasure not only by animals, but also by birds and fish. So what is an extruder? Extruder - the equipment will produce the food strands / sticks that make up the complete diet of the animal.
Экструдеры призваны:
Что нового в экструдере ЭГК-60:
Экструдер кормовой можно заказать в следующих комплектациях:
Габаритные размеры:
Д. 850мм., Ш. 720мм., В. 780мм.
Вес: 80 кг.
Бункер БП-50:
Ш 600мм., Д 500мм., В 700мм.
Вес: 20 кг.