Electric self-propelled trowel TISEL ETL15 for loading and transporting pallets. Equipped with an asynchronous German CORDEL engine powered by two 64 Ah batteries. Loading capacity 1500 kg. The forks are 1150 mm long and can handle a variety of pallets and pallets. The pallet transporter is operated by an ergonomic handle with keys. A modern computer unit controls work processes, increasing productivity and reducing energy costs. The trolley is equipped with reliable electromagnetic brakes. Wheels and casters provide a smoother ride. When the forks are raised to the maximum, the engine stops automatically.

  • SKU: EL014287
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More Details

Engine type: battery
Battery type: traction

Performance characteristics
Cart type: self-propelled
Carrying capacity: 1500 kg
Fork length: 1150 mm
Lift height: 205 mm
Speed (laden / unladen): 4.2 / 4.6 km / h
Carrying surface width: 540 mm
Handle height: 1295 mm
Battery voltage and capacity: 2x12 / 64 V / Ah

Dimensions (edit)
Size: 1648 × 560 × 1295mm

Cart type