Electric MP20 trolley with a lifting capacity of up to 2 tons and a lift height of 130 mm. Sophisticated ergonomics ensure high maneuverability of the device and convenience for the operator. Equipped with the latest CANbus communication system. Has 3 performance modes. It is mainly used for medium and short distances and when loading or unloading vehicles. The battery capacity is 200 Ah. Equipped with trolling and horn buttons.

  • SKU: EL014309
  • Price: 

More Details

Engine type: electric

Performance characteristics
Cart type: self-propelled
Carrying capacity: 2000 kg
Lift height: 130 mm
Speed (laden / unladen): 6/6 km / h
Battery voltage and capacity: 24/200 V / Ah

Dimensions (edit)
Size: 1683 × 560 × 1295mm
Weight: 318 kg

Cart type