FIL series electric boilers are so-called resistive (electric heating) boilers, which operate on the principle of once-through boilers. Typical objects of their operation are industry, multi-storey buildings, multi-apartment cottages, etc. The boiler can be used directly for heating or for the indirect production of domestic water. The control system is programmed to maintain a constant water temperature in the boiler.

  • SKU: EL009437
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Технические характеристики

Мощность 800 кВт
Вес 950 кг
Габариты (Выс х Шир х Глуб) 2200x1000x1900 мм
Объём воды в котле 960 л
Фланец, Ду 100 мм
Количество ступеней мощности 15
Подходит для коттеджа, для здания/гостиницы, для общественных / промышленных помещений,
A type