Main advantages 1. Reliable engines from a large Chinese manufacturer Changchai Co., Ltd. 2. Equipped with two motors: at the rear for driving the unit, at the front for better compaction of the soil by vibration. 3. Hinged body, power steering, as well as a wear-resistant forked pulley holder with an end clearance of more than 600 mm. 4. Gearbox with Japanese-made components and smooth gear shifting. 5. Three-stage transmission, which ensures optimal control of the installation and high efficiency of soil compaction. 6. Possibility of additional equipment with a platform trailer. 7. The embodiment of two technologies of our own development, protected by patents for useful inventions.

  • SKU: EL003047
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Технические характеристики :

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)3180×1420×2650
Снаряжённая масса (кг)4000
Номинальная амплитуда колебаний выс/низ (мм)0.5
Частота вибрации (Гц)50
Центробежная сила макс/мин (кН)39
Преодолеваемый уклон (%)20
Длина колёсной базы (мм)2200
Дизельный двигательChangchai ZN390Q
Номинальная мощность (кВт)22
Engine model