Features 1. The 8065L double steel hydraulic vibratory roller has compact structure, reasonable layout, and attractive appearance. 2. The front drum is driven by a hydraulic vibration device, while the rear wheel is driven by a mechanical drive. 3. The rear drum is gear driven for added safety and reliability. 4. The machine has convenient maintenance. 5. This engineering vehicle has articulated steering, and is flexible in operation. 6. The driver's cab has a standard umbrella structure. The user himself decides to install a hanging umbrella depending on the technical requirements.

  • SKU: EL003048
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Технические характеристики

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)3460×1480×2730
Снаряжённая масса (кг)6000
Номинальная амплитуда колебаний выс/низ (мм)0.5
Частота вибрации (Гц)50
Центробежная сила макс/мин (кН)60
Преодолеваемый уклон (%)20
Длина колёсной базы (мм)2479
Дизельный двигательChangchai ZN490Q
Номинальная мощность (кВт)33.5
Engine model