1. Water cooled motors use a supercharger to increase the power output. 2. Built-in gearbox provides high power and stable operation of the transmission. 3. The automated water spraying system is made of stainless steel and features a large tempered glass reservoir for a long service life. 4. The modern tracking and monitoring system, equipped with an infrared night vision device, provides the ability to work in the dark. 5. Reinforced frame design with low center of gravity ensures high rig stability. 6. The spacious, enclosed cab is equipped with an all-weather air conditioning system for maximum operator comfort.

  • SKU: EL003059
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Технические характеристики:

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)4770×2290×3100
Макс. снаряжённая масса (кг)16000
Мин. снаряжённая масса (кг)10000
Ширина проката (кг)2290
Количество шин (шт)4+5
Радиус разворота (мм)7500
Преодолеваемый уклон (%)20
Дизельный двигательCummins 4BT3.9
Номинальная мощность (кВт)75
Engine model