The WaveLight FS200 femtosecond laser uses high frequency to efficiently create a flap with low flap deviation; small focus and special cutting pattern minimize opaque bubble layers (NSP); and low energy impulses will allow to obtain sharp edges of the incisions, a smooth stromal bed and provides ease of lifting the obtained flaps.

  • SKU: EL014966
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More Details

Femtosecond laser WaveLight FS200 allows you to:

  • Sub-Bowman's keratomileusis.
  • Intrastromal tunnels for segments and rings.
  • Flap shaping (platform that allows different shaping patterns).
  • Keratoplasty - lamellar (layered), perforating (especially large penetration depths used for thick donor material) and through, which can be performed using customizable templates.

The WaveLight FS200 Femtosecond Laser has an optimal repetition rate and a dedicated position control algorithm to deliver optimal energy and reduce placement requirements for efficient treatment.