Fan coil units Bini CPI (vertical open-frame units) are installed behind a suspended or false ceiling that completely conceals the unit. The distribution of cooled air is carried out through a system of heat-insulated air ducts, which are also located in the inter-ceiling space and distribute the air forward or upward, changing the arrangement of the panels. The devices contribute to an even distribution of air in the room, which prevents drafts.

  • SKU: EL009162
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Технические характеристики

Мощность охлаждения3.99-19.10 кВт
Расход воздуха 565-2780 м3/ч
Масса 24.5-59.5 кг
Ширина 780-1980 мм
Давление до 100 Па
Подходит для офиса, для магазина, для здания/гостиницы, для общественных / промышленных помещений,
A type