Main Advantages 1. WEICHAI WD10G178E25 turbocharged diesel engine with high power. 2. Power train and speed converter for maximum operating efficiency under various conditions. 3. Flexible and precise control of the steering drive and braking system, as well as automatic control of the position of the blade and ripper rack. 4. Ergonomic design of the cab interior, providing a comfortable working environment and reducing operator fatigue. 5. Compact design and high strength of the body structure.

  • SKU: EL003061
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Технические характеристики

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)5080×3612×3322
Снаряжённая масса (кг)17500
Дизельный двигательWeiChai WD10G178E25
Номинальная мощность (кВт)131
Макс. подъём отвала (мм)960
Макс. высота разгрузки (мм)552
Ширина колеи (мм)500
Engine model