Wato EX-35 is a new feature of the device with a large touchscreen display with a diagonal of 10.4 ”. The ability to instantly access any settings, which will facilitate and speed up the work of the medical staff. Thanks to improved performance, the product has been equipped with a huge set of functions and options that will ensure safety during procedures: now independently, using an automated system, it will determine up to 5 gas anesthetics and N2O, there is a built-in ventilator with many modes, a unique mode with change (switching) gas mixture supply, which guarantees continuous ventilation.

  • SKU: EL014759
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More Details

Технические характеристики

ВесОколо 120  кг
Габариты1375х 880х  620
ВентиляцияСпонтанная,  ручная, VCV, PCV, SIMV, PSV
АвтономностьДо 2 ч
Мощность питания100-240 Вт
ОбъемОт 20 до 1500 мл
ДанныеПросмотр до  24 ч
Мониторинг анестетиков и EtCO2Предоставляется  как опция
Отведение газовПредоставляется опционально