Laboratory pH Meters An updated range of pH meters for every application. Introduced in Gosrestr SI. The simplest in the HI 2210 series is an accurate pH meter with 0.01 resolution; 2 point calibration out of 5 memorized pH / mV Meter - HI 2211 has a pH resolution of 0.01; millivolt resolution - 0.1 in the range up to ± 400 and 1 in the range up to ± 2000); 2 point calibration out of 5 memorized points The HI 2215 pH / mV meter has a pH resolution of 0.001; millivolt resolution - 0.1 in the range of ± 1000 and 1 in the range of ± 2000; 2-point calibration out of 9 (7 memorized and 2 user-defined) The HI 2216 pH / mV / Ion Meter has a pH resolution of up to 0.001; millivolt resolution - 0.1 in the range of ± 1000 and 1 in the range of ± 2000, as well as an ion-selective scale; pH calibration by 2 points out of 9 (7 stored in memory and 2 user defined), two-point ion-selective calibration

  • SKU: EL012072
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More Details

HI 2210  
HI 2211   HI 2215   HI 2216   
рН-2,0 … 16,0          
мВ   ±399,9; ±2000
±999.9; ±2000
±999.9; ±2000 
рН   0,01 0,01 0,001 0,001
мВ    0,1; 1 0,1; 1 0,1; 1 
рН   ±0,03        
мВ-   ±0,5     
Калибровка 2 точки
2 точки 5 точек   pH5 точек
ISE 2 точки   
   500 результатов   500 результатов   
Интерфейс   USB   USB   
12 В от адаптера       
Габариты, мм
240 x 182 x 74
240 x 182 x 74 235 x 222 x 109
235 x 222 x 109 
Вес, кг
1.11.1   1.3   1.3   
A type