This monoblock with a set of standard options for fast and accurate production of glasses, the ergonomic interface allows the operator to activate any option with a light touch and easily enter the desired parameters.

  • SKU: EL014910
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More Details

  • Changing the shape of the scanned piece.
  • Fast and easy parallax-free centering.
  • Ability to work with two orders at the same time.
  • A variety of lens processing modes, incl. and hydrophobic (without fear of lens shift).
  • Scanning the lens before turning, eliminates the "human factor" of blocking errors.
  • Polishing sharp and flat bevels.
  • The choice of the diameter of the processed lens, for displacement of the lens during processing.
  • Possibility of additional measurement of the lens in places close to the frame pattern.
  • Full Russification of the notification system.