Yealink CP960-ZR audio system for Zoom Room video terminals based on the CP960 conference phone. Provides circular capture and playback of sound within a radius of up to 6 m., And video conference control from the built-in touch screen. The voice capture area is expandable with optional wired CPE90 or wireless CPW90 microphones.

  • SKU: EL017356
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High sound quality
Harman Kardon high-fidelity acoustics, high-quality voice capture in an area up to 20 m, and intelligent protection against background noise Noise Proof provide a realistic impression of the presence of a distant interlocutor.

Touch control
Convening or connecting to video conferencing, calling, managing conference and broadcasting content.

All in one
Touchscreen control panel, microphone array, speaker occupies only one place on the conference table, connects to the display area with just one cable.

A type