The video colposcope consists of a workstation (PC with software) and a binocular optical colposcope with a built-in video camera. The doctor can work both with a conventional optical colposcope and with a video colposcope, receiving an image on a monitor. The illuminator in the colposcope is halogen. The colposcope is equipped with a binocular stereoscopic head with the possibility of five-stage magnification, which allows you to obtain an optimal ratio between magnification and field of view. There is a built-in green filter for vascular imaging. The tripod is multi-stage, which makes it possible to easily change the position of the binocular head relative to the gynecological chair. Colposcope illuminator is halogen. The built-in high definition digital camera has its own zoom system.

  • SKU: EL014702
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Технические характеристики:

Тип камерыSONY (Япония) 1/2.28 CCD
Разрешение1920х1080 px
Минимальное освещение0,7 лк
Увеличениекрат 1 - 264
Отношение сигнал/шумболее 50 Дб
Баланс белого цветаавтоматический/ручной
Освещенностьболее 1200 Лк
Colposcope type