The LM PRO series laser machines are capable of cutting and engraving materials quickly and with high precision. The machines are designed to work with materials such as wood, plexiglass, plastic, acrylic, fabric, leather, cardboard and others, which makes it indispensable in almost any area.

  • SKU: EL005754
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АртикулРабочая зона, ммМощность лазерной рубки, ВтПотребляемая мощность, кВт
LM 1290 PRO 1200 х 9001002
LM 1318 PRO 1300 х 18001302,5
LM 1325 PRO 1300 х 25001504
LM 1390 PRO1300 х 9001002
LM 1610 PRO 1600 х 10001302,5
LM 2030 PRO 2000 х 30001806
A type