The TS series laser engraving machines are capable of quickly cutting and engraving materials with high precision. The machines are designed for cutting architectural, aircraft, navigation models and wooden toys, engraving and cutting rubber printing plates, cutting plywood and cutting painted cardboard.

  • SKU: EL005756
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АртикулРабочая зона, ммМощность лазерной рубки, ВтПотребляемая мощность, кВт
TS 10601000x600801
TS 1060 P1000x600801
TS 1390/100 P1300x900100 
TS 1390/1301300x900130 
TS 1390/130 P1300x900130 
TS 15151525х152580 / 100 / 1302
TS 4040400x40040 / 50 / 60 
TS 6040600x40050 / 60 / 80
A type