The HI 9125 Portable pH / mV Meter has a waterproof housing and is designed for use in the harshest environments. The large display shows pH (mV) and temperature at the same time. When calibrating, prompts are shown on the display to make your work easier. Calibration is automatic; 5 possible buffer solutions are stored in the device memory (4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18 and 10.01), buffer solution recognition is automatic, which eliminates selection error, temperature compensation is automatic. A battery control system is provided, which automatically turns off the device. In this way, the correctness of the result is additionally guaranteed.

  • SKU: EL012083
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Технические характеристики:

 pH -2,00 to 16,00 pH
 мВ ±699,9 мВ (ИСЭ); ±1999 мВ (ОВП)
 T 20,0 to 120,0°C
 РазрешениеpH 0,01 pH
 мВ 0,1 мВ; 1 мВ
 Т 0,1 °C
 ТочностьрН ±0,01 pH
 мВ ±0,2 мВ; ±1 мВ
 Т ±0,4 °C
 Калибровка pH
 Автоматическая по 1 или
2 точкам (4,01; 6,86; 7,01; 9,18; 10;01)
 Компенсация  температуры  Автоматическая или ручная от -12 до 120°C
 pH-электрод  HI 1230B, гелевый с двойной диафрагмой, 1 м
 Температурный датчик  HI 7662, 1 м
 Питание  Батареи 1,5В AAA  до approx 200 часов работы
 Габариты  185 x 72 x 36 мм
 Вес  300 г
A type