EO scroll compressors are controlled by base control, a state-of-the-art electronic control system. Base control smoothly controls the installation, including up to 4 spiral compression stages. The base control electronic control system is protected against accidental switching on / off or parameter changes. The system provides continuous intelligent monitoring of the compressor system operation, taking into account the accumulated statistics, displays the operating parameters, current status and builds a schedule for the operation of the unit.

  • Brand: BOGE
  • SKU: EL002759
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BOGEMax. давлениеПроизводительность по нагнетанию
50 Hz
Мощность приводаГабариты
Д × Ш × В
EO 4 TR81160.82029.08.011.01825 x 1000 x 1625577
EO 4 TR101450.68024.08.011.01825 x 1000 x 1625577
EO 6 TR81161.24043.811.015.01825 x 1000 x 1625647
EO 6 TR101450.49017.35.57.51825 x 1000 x 1625647
A type