Colposcope KS-01 is adapted to work with all models of gynecological chairs. Specially designed, compact, stable, convenient for everyday use, the colposcope tripod allows you to place it, even in a small office. The base of the KS-01 colposcope has a system of built-in brakes to ensure a more stable position of the device during examination. The five-step magnification of the colposcope allows you to obtain the optimal ratio between magnification and field of view for a comfortable work of the doctor. Powerful halogen illuminator. The optical system is equipped with a blue-green filter.

  • SKU: EL014720
  • Price: 

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  • Magnification factor from 3.2 to 41 times;
  • The resolution of the colposcope optical system is at least 15 mm at minimum magnification and at least 63 mm at maximum magnification;
  • The relative difference between the magnifications of the optical systems of the right and left parts does not exceed 3%;
  • Exit pupil diameters 1.2 ± 0.2 mm;
  • Change in interpupillary distance from 52 mm to 75 mm;
  • Illuminated field diameter 70 mm;
  • The illumination created by the colposcope on the object plane at a rated mains voltage of at least 6,500 lux;
  • Moving the optical head along the optical axis less than 25 mm;
  • Overall dimensions 400 x 420 x 1400 mm;
  • Package weight no more than 25 kg.
Colposcope type